Oral presentations
Each room is equipped with a PC, a digital projector, a laser pointer and a speaker microphone. You will not be able to use your own computer. No overhead projectors will be available and video projection is not guaranteed. In each room, speakers will find staff members for assistance.
Presentations should be created in MS Power Point (.ppt, .pptx). Presentations created in Apple’s Keynote should be converted into or saved in pdf format. Speakers are kindly asked to test their presentation during the uploading.
Speakers will have 12 minutes of presentation + 3 minutes of discussion. Please organize your presentation accordingly.
Speakers must test their PPT at the slide centre, where every PPT will be collected and uploaded by an assistant, according to the following plan:
those presenting in the morning, must upload their file by 6:00 PM (18:00) of the previous day;
those presenting in the afternoon must upload their file by 12:00 AM on the day of their presentation.
Upload at the slide centre is mandatory. In order to avoid technical problems during sessions, and consequent loss of time, direct upload in the session room is NOT ALLOWED.
Poster presentations
Poster presenters are responsible for their own posters during the exhibition. The Congress Organization is not responsible for the posters.
Poster boards are in portrait format (236 cm [height] x 95 cm [width]). No larger posters will be exposed. A poster size in A0 format is suggested.
Each poster will have a specific number in the scientific program and must be placed in the corresponding board space.
Adhesive tape for mounting the poster on the board will be provided by staff members.
The posters will be on display for two days, respectively Tuesday-Wednesday and Thursday-Friday, depending on the allocation of the corresponding oral session.
Author’s attendance times will be described in the general program. Poster presentations will be conducted in free discussion style.
If you are interested, there is the possibility to collect your poster already printed in colors on plain paper at the registration desk of the congress. The cost for this service is 60€ (maximum dimension allowed A0 size, in portrait format). To use this service, please communicate your interest to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by 10 June 2019. More info on https://www.eravelservice.com/unimistrati2019milano/
The time allocated for the talks is as follows:
- · Plenary talk: 40 minutes of talk + 10 minutes of discussion
- · Key-note talk: 20 minutes of talk + 10 minutes of discussion
- · Oral presentations: 12 minutes of talk + 3 minutes of discussion
As we have many talks, the allocated time should be strictly respected.