Convener: Andrea Piva, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Co-Conveners: Elena Menichetti
The integration of biostratigraphic disciplines is fundamental to build a strong chronostratigraphic framework even in loosely sampled wells, allowing the calibration of seismic horizons and the chance to extend local information to a regional scale. Proxies from total-rock mineralogy and organic geochemistry can provide further time-lines, resulting in an even higher stratigraphic detail. Precious additional information is hidden in these datasets, and can be retrieved to characterize the paleoecological conditions and variations occurring in the depositional history of the investigated succession. Environmental considerations, coupled with the petrophysical dataset, can help to develop a sequence-stratigraphic approach. Moreover, a paleobathymetric assessment is often the baseline for geological modelling. Inferences on sea floor ventilation and organic matter deposition and preservation can be important in the prediction of naphtogenic levels, acting as potential source rocks, as well as to monitor sediment transport mechanisms linked to the action of sea floor currents. The impact of climate and tectonics on sediment supply can play an important role in the deposition of coarse-grained layers with reservoir potential. These applications, far from being a purely academic practice, contribute to an essential characterization of the petroleum system, thus supporting significantly the HC exploration.