Convener: Laura Alessandra Brioschi This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Co-Conveners: Iunio Alfonso Marini
The integration among several tools and disciplines plays a key role in the description and interpretation of subsurface stratigraphic architectures, as well as in the exploration and exploitation of resources buried in the subsurface, for which a thorough understanding of such architectures is an essential pre-requisite. Seismic-stratigraphy is the interpretation process to extract stratigraphic features from seismic data. It is a multidisciplinary predictive-integrated tool, which is usually applied in conjunction with sequence stratigraphy and well data analysis (i.e. biostratigraphy, core and log data). The integration of well and seismic data successfully helps to unravel complex sedimentary sequences, for reservoir characterization and regional studies. In addition, outcropping and subsurface datasets provide valuable and complementary information at the basin analysis scale, so that mutual advantage is provided by tracing seismic bounding surfaces into the outcrops where, in turn, subtle submarine unconformities can be nowadays more easily recognized and mapped using airborne (drone) photogrammetric or Lidar surveys. As a matter of fact, in the last few years an increasing number of papers have been suggesting that sequence stratigraphy needs to be re-considered as an inductive and model-independent discipline, contrasting with the deductive and aprioristic model provided by the current sequence stratigraphy paradigm. These conceptual and technological advances beg for a revamping of the integration between classical stratigraphic tools and physical stratigraphy, including the use of high-resolution seismostratigraphic techniques, bio-, magneto- and chemo-stratigraphy, and digital outcrop models. This may have important applications, for example a more effective approach to unlock additional hydrocarbon reserves or to enable the exploitation of submarine fresh- and low salinity-waters trapped below the present seafloor in many shallow seas after the last sea level rise.
The proceedings of the session will be printed on an international journal.