Convener: Florence Colleoni This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Co-Conveners: Peter Bjil, Jochen Knies, Laura De Santis
Gaps still persist between observed global mean sea level change and estimated contribution of thermal expansion, mountain glaciers, ice caps and ice sheets. Ice sheet models lack of knowledge about processes regulating the thinning/dismantling of both the Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets, in response to global warming. A critical issue is to correlate stratigraphic records from both hemispheres together to provide robust constrain to modeling paleo-climatic and ice sheet reconstructions. Chronostratigraphy of polar sediment is controversial, thus more studies in ice proximal and distal deposits as well as innovative and multidisciplinary approach to date polar sediments are needed for reliable paleoclimate and paleoceanographic reconstructions. This session invites contributions exposing analysis of bi-polar linkage in stratigraphic archives from both Antarctic and Arctic regions as well as in regional to global climate/ice-sheet modeling or a combination of both. The session follows the SCAR/PAIS research approach that promotes data-model integration and intercomparison. Multi-proxy analysis between glaciological, terrestrial and marine sedimentological archives are particularly encouraged.