Convener: Gianluca Groppelli This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Co-Conveners: Federico Lucchi, Joan MartÃ
(sponsored by the Volcano Geology IAVCEI commission)
The session is organized by the IAVCEI Volcano Geology commission following the previous ones of Strati 2013 (GG and JM conveners) and 2015. The session held at Strati 2013 represented the first step of the Volcano Geology commission. The stratigraphy and the geological mapping of volcanic areas are rapidly changing, but right now there is no a common use of the stratigraphic units on volcanoes. Moreover, a recent review paper (Martì et al, 2018) exhibits different ways and situations to apply stratigraphic units to the volcanic field work. So, the session will offer the opportunity to present and discuss different methodologies, to show the scientific results of field works, and to indicate advantages, opportunities, and problems to apply different methodologies in various volcanological contexts. During the session and the congress we plan to present and discuss the first widely applicable guidelines for stratigraphy and field mapping in volcanic areas. The guidelines are in preparation by the IAVCEI Volcano Geology commission.
The proceedings of the session will be printed on an international journal.