Convener: Mariano Parente This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Co-Conveners: Stephane Bodin, Gianluca Frijia, Thomas Steuber
Shallow-water carbonate platforms represent unique windows on the geological past of our planet. They document the response of neritic biocalcifiers to severe perturbations of biogeochemical cycles and they host a valuable record of carbonate-associated proxies of past ocean conditions. Establishing high-resolution age models is the key to unlocking these precious geological archives. In this session we invite contributions using traditional and novel approaches aimed at improving stratigraphic resolution in carbonate platform sections. Within this broad topic, contributions dealing with stratigraphic intervals encompassing extreme events, like the end-Permian, end-Triassic, end-Cretaceous events and the Mesozoic OAEs are particularly encouraged.
The proceedings of the session will be printed on an international journal. The conveners will submit a proposal to Newsletters on Stratigraphy.