Convener: Elena Turco This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Co-Conveners: Kenneth G. Miller, Frits J. Hilgen, Isabella Raffi
The Neogene is marked by biotic, paleoceanographic and paleoclimatic events which are crucial for the evolution of the Earth’s ocean-climate system towards modern conditions. Integrated high-resolution stratigraphic studies, astronomically calibrated time scales and detailed correlations are essential for the understanding of these events, the reconstruction of their origin and their impact on regional and global scale as well as for their chronostratigraphic significance. In this session contributions in all the fields of stratigraphy, paleontology, paleoceanography and paleoclimatology, addressed to improve the knowledge of the Neogene sedimentary record and its chronostratigraphic subdivision, are most welcome.