Convener: Mark W. Hounslow, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Co-Conveners: Sylvain Richoz, Christopher A. McRoberts
The late Triassic is bracketed by the Carnian pluvial crisis and the end Triassic extinctions in the late Rhaetian. In between these two major events is a long chain of environmental, climatic and biotic evolution of different magnitudes in a drive to a more modern-like paleoenvironment. The characterization these events and their global correlation and synchronicity are still far from being properly evaluated and understood. We invite presentations which address the timescale and cause of these events, using local or global studies, ideally focusing on a range of both biotic, chemical or physical indicators of these climatic phases. Studies which challenge the standard assessment of the late Triassic would be most welcome.