Convener: Petr Štorch This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Co-Conveners: Carlo Corradini, Zhan Renbin
A session devoted to all aspects of Silurian stratigraphy with particular attention focused on current efforts to establish new GSSPs for some of the Silurian stages and series. The Silurian System was the first Phanerozoic system in which all boundary stratotypes of the respective series and stages were formally established. With a single exception, all selected in classic Palaeozoic terrains of Great Britain. However, subsequent progress in high-resolution stratigraphy and correlations revealed serious flaws in many of these early stratotypes which do not meet present requirements for resolution in global correlation. International working groups searched for new basal stratotypes of the Aeronian and Telychian stages of the Llandovery Series and of the Sheinwoodian Stage of the Wenlock Series. Base of the Homerian Stage of the Wenlock Series follows. Formal proposals for new GSSPs have been submitted and need to be discussed. Presentations related to Silurian biostratigraphy, chemostratigraphy, cyclostratigraphy, event-stratigraphy, sequence stratigraphy and palaeoenvironmental changes will be proper contributions to this session.
The proceedings of the session will be printed on an international journal.