Convener: Per Ahlberg This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Co-Conveners: Loren E. Babcock
The Cambrian System is currently undergoing substantial revisions with regards to its biostratigraphy and chronostratigraphy. This is evident in the recent ratification of the Cambrian Furongian and Miaolingian series, the Paibian, Drumian, Guzhangian, Jiangshanian and Wuliuan stages, and international agreement on a chronostratigraphic framework comprising four series and ten stages, as opposed to the traditional tripartite subdivision. The proposed 10 ages/stages of the Cambrian are or will be delimited by horizons that can be correlated globally using multiple chronostratigraphic tools, including biostratigraphic events, which coincide with the horizon or closely approximate that position. Some relationship among, or coordination of, biologic and physico-chemical events or perturbations near these boundary levels is likely. The proposed session will focus on Cambrian stratigraphy and geochronology, and our understanding of geological and biotic events during this critical period of Earth history.