Convener: Michael Stephenson This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Co-Conveners: Junxuan Fan
'Big data' and applications like machine learning and artificial intelligence have the potential to revolutionize stratigraphy and biostratigraphy, to allow big problems in palaeobiology, correlation, and basin studies to be solved. However, first, stratigraphic data has to be collected together in a common form to allow analysis, and analogue information needs to be automatically digitized or ‘intelligently mined’ for relevant data. There are a number of data collections including GeoDeepDive, the Paleobiology Database, and the Geobiodiversity Database, as well as specialist software such as CONOP. A recent collaboration between the British Geological Survey, which holds stratigraphic data systematically gathered over 150 years, and the Geobiodiversity Database, may indicate ways in which very large datasets from national institution collections could be brought together for big data access. The purpose of this proposed session is to invite global rese archers in stratigraphy and big data to come together to share their knowledge and initiatives and to explore community solutions to bringing stratigraphic data into the realm of big data.
The proceedings of the session will be printed on an international journal. The conveners will submit a proposal to Newsletters on Stratigraphy