Convener: Matthias Sinnesael This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Co-Conveners: Christian Zeeden, Frits Hilgen
In stratigraphy, the study of astronomical climate forcing (i. e. Milankovitch cycles) and the application of cyclostratigraphy and astrochronology experienced a spectacular growth over the last decades. Using different “proxies” from sediments and their cyclic pacing forced by orbital changes in insolation distribution makes it possible to refine the chronology of depositional sequences, all across the Phanerozoic and even beyond. The identification of the effect of orbital forcing also significantly contributes to paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic reconstructions. Recent advances led to refining the duration of chronostratigraphic stages or the more precise timing of events and rates of processes during ancient global changes. With this session we intend to provide a platform for contributions related to cyclostratigraphy and astronomical climate forcing, also as parts of integrated stratigraphy combining information from several geochronometric methods.